New Moment Practice Tees

moment practice tee banner

September 02, 2015

  There are two things that I really love in life, spiritual practices and nice T-shirts. I cannot be happier to combine these two passions by offering this original design "Mindfulness Sets Me Free" T-shirt. Those who practice mindfulness in daily life know how powerful and liberating it can be. If only people around could see the internal freedom it gives us! Wearing this tee-shirt can inspire curiosity and thus provide opportunity to share ...


TRE: A Technique to Release Traumas

TRE release trauma

August 12, 2015

Let me share with you an approach that is very effective in releasing the effects of traumas . The word trauma is used here for a variety of stressful events ranging from minor interpersonal conflicts to major events presenting a threat to our life. This technique is based on a natural mechanism available to our body and that of mammals in order for it to return to its natural state after suffering severe stress: tremor.   The body’s response ...


Why no-one is the same as you.

Your are unique

August 11, 2015

Have you ever looked at your partner, family, neighbor or even a random person on the street and wondered why they are so different? Do you ever wonder why some people have a short temper, are demanding and aggressive, while others are more easygoing relaxed and slow-paced. Do you ever look in the mirror and think, why am I like this? If you answered NO to all these questions then what I’m going to tell you next is nothing for you, otherwise the ...