TRE: A Technique to Release Traumas
Let me share with you an approach that is very effective in releasing the effects of traumas . The word trauma is used here for a variety of stressful events ranging from minor interpersonal conflicts to major events presenting a threat to our life. This technique is based on a natural mechanism available to our body and that of mammals in order for it to return to its natural state after suffering severe stress: tremor.
The body’s response to stress
First, let’s start by explaining what happens in our body when we experience significant stress or trauma. In front of a potentially life-threatening situation, our nervous system triggers a fight or flight response. In fact, it triggers a series of neurological processes and hormone release such as adrenaline to help us face the threat. Our heart rate accelerates, and our blood rushes to our legs in order to run (flight response) and to our arms for self-defense (fight response).
However, most of the time, this stress coping mechanism of fight or flight is not discharged and the stress/trauma remains latent, which can cause all sorts of problems, including post-traumatic stress syndrome.
TRE: The birth of a technique
The technique I want to share with you allows the body to release tensions left in the body by past traumatic events. It was developed by Dr. David Berceli, a clinical social worker and trauma specialist who has dedicated his career to help people who suffered from traumas and post-traumatic stress disorder. He has worked in several areas of armed conflicts around the world where traumas were common.
The method he developed is called Trauma Release Exercises (TRE). Most of the information in this blog post comes from his great book The Revolutionary Trauma Release Process: Transcend Your Toughest Times, as well as from my own experience using this technique.
To access the Amazon page for the book, please click here.
Dr. Berceli developed this technique based on the observations he made meeting traumatized people, particularly in areas of armed conflict. In his book, he recounts having been locked up in a bunker with other people for days while there were bombs exploding all around. During this difficult experience, he noticed that each time a bomb exploded, everyone had a similar reflex reaction to bend over in a fetal position. This position, which protects vital organs, was invariably taken by everyone during the explosions.
Another observation he made was that after an explosion, children started to shiver uncontrollably whereas adults restrained or controlled these tremors.
Continuing his research from these observations, Dr. Berceli came to the conclusion that when the body suffers from trauma, it reacts by contracting its flexor muscles to protect the head and vital organs. These strong contractions of the flexor muscles can be chronically maintained if they are not released. One of the main muscles involved in this defense reaction, the psoas muscle, can maintain a high level of tension leading to chronic back pain and digestive problems. These are symptoms often experienced by victims of post-traumatic stress disorder.
Tremor: a natural mechanism
His research also led him to realize that tremor is a natural mechanism for mammals, which use it to release tensions in their flexor muscles and restore balance of the nervous system by moving away from the fight or flight response mode to return to a normal mode. You might have noticed your pet shaking during a thunderstorm. It was unloading the stress he had just experienced.
Here is a video that shows a polar bear shivering after suffering the stress of being chased by men. After 1.5 minutes, you can see the bear take a few deep breaths as it releases tensions from its diaphragm thus completing the stress release process.
Dr. Berceli then developed a series of exercises that stretch key muscles to trigger the tremor. The person performing these exercises can then leave tremors spread throughout his whole body thus releasing chronic tensions stuck in it. Releasing these tensions often comes with emotional feelings connected to the trauma being released. These exercises can be repeated daily to slowly clear traumatic imprints out of the body.
Since he developed this technique, Dr. Berceli travelled around the world, often in war zones, to teach and help people who have suffered from major traumas, releasing these from their bodies with tremoring. TRE has also been very successful with soldiers back from combat missions.
My personal experience with TRE
This technique was suggested to me by a therapist a little more than a year ago. My first experience with it was stunning. I was quite surprised and I burst in laughter when I first felt my body shake uncontrollably. Pelvis, legs, shoulders and arms were moving in all directions in a surprisingly powerful tremor. When I stopped the technique, my body was filled with a subtle vibration. I felt more alive within my body. A vague impression of sadness and mild depression then appeared and lasted only a few minutes.
While practicing TRE, I discovered different areas of tensions within my body where vibrating and shaking was stronger. Tremors seem to move in the body in different patterns that vary from time to time to reach all areas containing traumatic stress. I found it best to practice these exercises only a few minutes a day rather than doing extended sessions to avoid being overwhelmed by strong emotions that can be released through this technique. Over time, the practice of TRE helped me feel lighter, diminish the level of tension in my body, feel more grounded, and better understand myself and my past experiences.
Last time I practiced TRE, I experienced a great release when a strong tension was cleared out of my diaphragm. With tears and sobs I reconnected with an old trauma that my body held for a long time. What a relief that was. Since then, I feel like I took a weight off my shoulders and I experience a certain inner freedom that feels natural and pleasant. I feel that one piece of my traumatic past has been released and that others are in line to be, which means more peace and freedom to come.
TRE exercises for you
I believe that these exercises can really benefit anyone. There is no need to have suffered a severe trauma to benefit from it. We live in a society where stress is omnipresent and this technique can definitely be a solution for the various tensions caused by stress felt by so many people.
That being said, for those who experienced traumatic events in the past and are struggling with the consequences of these in their current life, TRE can definitely be most helpful. Dr. Berceli affirms that not only all traumas can be healed but they can even be transformed into something positive.
Learn TRE exercises
I myself learned TRE through the book The Revolutionary Trauma Release Process: Transcend Your Toughest Times. The book shows all the exercises with detailed instructions and the history and theory surrounding them. This is an inexpensive option to practice on your own. This method can complement different therapies or may simply be practiced as a way to release stress and tension. For people who prefer to learn with a video, there is a dvd called Trauma Releasing Exercises Step By Step Video Instruction and Demonstration
There are also qualified TRE providers who teach the technique. Nearby practitioners can be found on the official website of Dr. Berceli.
Obviously I encourage people who have suffered severe trauma to seek the professional support they need in their healing process.
I conclude by offering you an excerpt from a documentary film about the TRE method. You can see people practicing the technique and what the tremors look like.